Saturday 19 November 2022

20 November

10 weird and wonderful things which happened on 20 November:

  1. In 1620, Peregrine White, the son of William and Susanna White, was born aboard the Mayflower in Massachusetts Bay; he was the first child born to the Pilgrim Fathers.
  2. In 2003, a man in Tegelen, Netherlands, called an ambulance, saying he felt ill. Paramedics arrived to find a double-glazed and extremely smelly house, dozens of pet birds, and the caller, already dead. The police blamed his death on a combination of bird Farts and ammonia from their droppings.
  3. In 1947, Britain's future queen, Princess Elizabeth, married Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten in Westminster Abbey. The ceremony was broadcast worldwide in 42 different languages. The Princess's dress was designed by Norman Hartnell.
  4. In 2005, Robbie Williams smashed a Guinness World Record by selling more than 1.6 million tickets for his 2006 World Tour in one day.
  5. In 1998, a Russian rocket blasted the first component of the International Space Station into orbit 100 miles above the Earth.
  6. President Woodrow Wilson was issued with a passport on this date in 1918. He was the first US President to have one.
  7. The ten-shilling note was officially withdrawn by the Bank of England on this date in 1970.
  8. In 1183, Saladin laid siege to Castle Kerak, but refused to bombard one part of the castle where a wedding was taking place.
  9. In 1912, would be Bomber Carl Warr walked into Los Angeles city jail with 60 sticks of dynamite strapped to himself. An hour later, two detectives attacked Warr, who pulled the bomb's trigger. Nothing happened. The bomber begged police to kill him.
  10. In 1969, in Australia, Zjane Azzar lay down on a mattress of 6-inch spikes and stayed there for a record 25 hours 9 minutes.


A Superhero love story.

Sent away to school to get her away from undesirable company, Agnes finds herself homesick and lonely. A brief connection with Jason Warner leads to the teenage crush to end all teenage crushes. Jason is barely aware Agnes exists, but she plans her whole future around him.

It is only when they meet again as adults that the connection becomes mutual; but before it can develop, Jason makes a discovery which rocks his entire world. He needs time alone, away from everyone, including Agnes. When Jason is finally ready to go back to his old life, Agnes has moved on and he cannot find her.

Agnes is now a single parent to the remarkable Seraphina. The Power League want to harness Seraphina's powers for evil before the Freedom League become aware of her. Agnes has no idea her new colleague and friend is a supervillain with his own agenda, and his willingness to babysit is not as innocent as she thinks. As Incendio starts teaching Seraphina to use her powers, the Freedom League intervene. Little do they know that they have found one of their own.

Where to get it:

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