Monday 14 November 2022

15 November

10 weird and wonderful things which happened on 15 November:

  1. This date in 1738 saw the birth of Sir William Herschel, the astronomer famous for discovering Uranus. He also made many other discoveries in astronomy including infra-red radiation. He composed numerous musical works, including 24 symphonies and many concertos, as well as some church music. Apart from a few oboe concertos, his Music is largely forgotten today.
  2. In 1990, The Elephant Man opened on Broadway with David Bowie in the title role.
  3. In 2001, Leon Resnick, 31, was trying out a customised jet-propelled water bike on a lake north of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, when he was killed in an apparent collision with a flying duck.
  4. In 1492, Christopher Columbus noted in his journal the use of Tobacco among Indians – the first recorded reference to tobacco.
  5. In 1626, the Mayflower pilgrims, having lived in their American colony for six years, bought out their London investors for £1,800.
  6. In 1899, Winston Churchill was captured by the Boers while covering the war as a reporter for the Morning Post. He escaped a few weeks later.
  7. In 1996, Tewkesbury refused a request by Barbara Cartland to name a street after her, saying she was a very silly person.
  8. In 1280, St Albertus Magnus the Great, German leader/bishop Regensburg, died at the age of 87. He was an alchemist and ceremonial musician. Legend says he discovered the Philosopher's Stone and created a supernatural zombie-like servant using natural magic and astrological science.
  9. Pitman's system of shorthand was published on this date in 1837, under the title Stenographic Sound-Hand, price 4d.
  10. A "rock and roll western", Love Me Tender, starring Elvis Presley, opened in New York on this date in 1956. One reviewer complained that screams from teenagers in the audience drowned out much of the dialogue.


A Superhero love story.

Sent away to school to get her away from undesirable company, Agnes finds herself homesick and lonely. A brief connection with Jason Warner leads to the teenage crush to end all teenage crushes. Jason is barely aware Agnes exists, but she plans her whole future around him.

It is only when they meet again as adults that the connection becomes mutual; but before it can develop, Jason makes a discovery which rocks his entire world. He needs time alone, away from everyone, including Agnes. When Jason is finally ready to go back to his old life, Agnes has moved on and he cannot find her.

Agnes is now a single parent to the remarkable Seraphina. The Power League want to harness Seraphina's powers for evil before the Freedom League become aware of her. Agnes has no idea her new colleague and friend is a supervillain with his own agenda, and his willingness to babysit is not as innocent as she thinks. As Incendio starts teaching Seraphina to use her powers, the Freedom League intervene. Little do they know that they have found one of their own.

Where to get it:

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