Sunday 5 June 2022

6 June

 10 weird and wonderful things which happened on 6 June:

  1. On this date in 1960, Bing Crosby was presented with a Platinum disc to commemorate his 200 millionth record sale.
  2. In 1964, a full page ad was taken out in six music trades by persons unknown, which read "in the public interest, watch The Rolling Stones crush The Beatles!"
  3. The first public museum, the Ashmolean, was opened by Elias Ashmole in Oxford on this date in 1683. Exhibits included stuffed animals and a Dodo. Visitors were charged according to the length of their stay.
  4. In 1995, a production at the Playhouse Theatre in Edinburgh had to be halted due to flooding. The show? Singin’ in the Rain!
  5. In 1833, President Andrew Jackson became the first President of the USA to travel in a train.
  6. In 1820, Caroline, Princess of Wales, whom George IV wished to divorce, triumphantly entered London, demanding to be acknowledged as queen.
  7. This date in 1944 was D-Day, the invasion of Normandy by the Allies to liberate Western Europe from German occupation. Troops attacked by air, land, and sea, using over 10,000 aircraft, 5,000 ships, and 250,000 men, crossing the English Channel to land on the coast of Normandy. "We will accept nothing less than full victory," Supreme Commander Dwight D Eisenhower promised. Known as Operation Overlord, the invasion had taken two years to plan and was the turning point of World War II. By August, the battle of France was won and the Germans were sandwiched between advancing Allies from the west and Soviets from the east.
  8. In 1999, 345 prisoners escaped the Putim maximum security prison in Brazil, in the largest jailbreak in Brazilian history.
  9. In 1995, in Tel Aviv, a would-be bank robber whispered to a cashier, “Hold up!” The cashier said, “Sorry, sir, could you say that again?” When he repeated it a little louder, she said, “Please speak up, I can’t hear a word!” At this point the robber realised she was deaf, gave up and fled.
  10. In 1980, Edwin Robinson, who'd gradually lost his sight and hearing following a severe head injury in a road accident nine years before, was looking for his pet chicken near his house in Falmouth, Maine, during a thunderstorm. He was struck by Lightning and knocked unconscious for 20 minutes. Not only did he survive, but the next morning found he could see and hear again.

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