Monday 27 June 2022

28 June

 10 weird and wonderful things which happened on  28 June:

  1. A significant day for two of England's best known monarchs. Henry VIII, the one who had six wives and beheaded two of them, was born on this date in 1491.
  2. In 1838 Queen Victoria was crowned in Westminster Abbey at the age of 19. During the ceremony, Austrian waltz king Johann Strauss conducted his orchestra outside the London Reform Club, playing God Save The Queen.
  3. Born on this date in 1928 was Cyril Smith, believed to have been the heaviest British MP ever, Liberal and Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for the constituency of Rochdale. His peak reported weight was 29 stone 12 pounds, about 190 kilograms.
  4. In 2000, burglar Peter Grüüber panicked after being surprised by a security guard at the Klausmann Museum of Art; he fled around a corner and impaled himself on a 4ft (1.2m)-long sword held by a statue of a blindfolded soldier. The exhibit was titled "The Weapon of Justice".
  5. In 1914 Gavrilo Princip, 19, a Bosnian revolutionary, assassinated the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, the Duchess of Hohenburg, out in their carriage in the streets of Sarajevo on their 14th wedding anniversary. Gavrilo Princep’s action was the spark needed to ignite the First World War when Austria duly declared war on Serbia. Early that morning, Hungarian bishop Monsignor de Lanyi reportedly had a prophetic Dream foretelling the incident.
  6. in 1935, the first Rupert Bear cartoon appeared in the Daily Express. It was drawn by Albert Bestall who had taken over from Rupert's creator, Mary Tourtel.
  7. In 1820, Robert Gibbon Johnson proved that tomatoes weren't poisonous when he ate two in front of a large crowd on the steps of the courthouse in Salem, and didn't drop deadTomatoes were believed to be poisonous back then because they're related to plants of the nightshade family which produce toxic berries.
  8. In 1989, nine members of the Ansett Social Climbers of Sydney, Australia, climbed Mt. Huascaran, Peru, 22,205 feet. They carried with them Top Hats, ball dresses, a 3-course meal, Chairs, and a dining table. They set up their dinner party at the summit to break the world record for high dining. Unfortunately, they couldn't toast their success, because the Wine froze.
  9. In 1988, a 2 year old cross between a northern and southern ostrich laid a record 5.07lb egg on a kibbutz in Israel.
  10. In 1999, in Grafton, Ohio, Kelli Michetti, 29, was so tired of her husband staying up until 4am to chat with other women online that she decided to hack his computer. With a meat cleaver. Mrs. Michetti pleaded no contest to domestic violence and resisting arrest charges and was fined $200.

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