Today is the 149th day of the year. 10 things you might not know about the number 149:
- 149 is the 35th prime number and is also an emirp, since its reverse, the number 941, is also a prime.
- Nix v. Hedden, 149 U.S. 304 (1893) was a United States Supreme Court case that addressed whether a Tomato is a fruit or a vegetable. Even though a tomato is technically a fruit, the ruling was that it should be classified as a vegetable for import and customs purposes.
- In London, the 149 Bus runs between Edmonton Green Bus Station and London Bridge Bus Station.
- Stay High 149 (Wayne Roberts) was an American graffiti artist active on the New York Subway in the 1970s.
- The Roman numeral for 149 is CXLIX. In Binary it's written 10010101.
- 149 Medusa is a main-belt Asteroid that was discovered by French astronomer J. Perrotin in September 1875, and named after the Gorgon Medusa, the monster in Greek mythology with Snakes for hair.
- The A149 runs along the North Norfolk coast from King's Lynn to Cromer passing through several small coastal villages and seaside resorts, hence it's known colloquially as "The Coast Road". The road departs from the coastline at Cromer and heads to the Norfolk Broads.
- 149 is the atomic number of a theoretical element called unquadinonium. Symbol: Uqe.
- British Airways Flight 149 between London and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was captured by Iraqi forces on 1 August 1, 1990.
- In numerology 149 in a person's chart suggests a bubbly, sociable person who can talk about anything with anybody. They enjoy socialising but are also comfortable alone. They can seem to have no direction in life, since they value their personal freedom including the freedom to follow a whim. The person will fully focus on their whims while they last, although a curious nature will tempt them to investigate other things eventually.
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If you like stories about:
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