Saturday 15 June 2024

16 June: Erich Segal Quotes

On this date in 1937, Erich Segal was born. He was a writer, best known for Love Story. 10 quotes:

  1. True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.

  2. Love means not ever having to say you're sorry.

  3. It takes someone very special to help you forget someone very special.

  4. Part of being a big winner is the ability to be a big loser.

  5. Although science could pinpoint the exact spot in the brain that ignites rage, they had yet to identify the location that produces love.

  6. Sometimes I amaze even myself.

  7. There was a brief silence. I think I heard snow falling.

  8. I was afraid of being rejected, yes. I was also afraid of being accepted for the wrong reasons.

  9. Some were brilliant bordering on genius. Others, genius bordering on madness.

  10. The ‘equilibrium’ that people see in me is really an illusion. I am as flawed as anyone. It’s only that I seem to have the knack of hiding.


The first in a new series! It has invading aliens, gladiator-style contests, rivalry and romance.

The six richest people in Britain decide to hold a contest to settle the question of which of them is most successful. It will be a gladiator style contest with each entrant fielding a team of ten super-powered combatants. Entrepreneur Llew Powell sets out to put together his team, which includes his former lover, an employee of his company with a fascinating hobby, two refugees from another dimension (a lonely giant and a drunken sailor), two sisters bound together by a promise, a diminutive doctor, a former Tibetan monk initiate and two androids with a history. As the team train together, alliances form, friendships and more develop, while others find the past is not easy to leave behind.

Meanwhile, a ruthless race of aliens has its eyes on the Earth. Already abducting and enslaving humans, they work towards the final invasion which would destroy life on Earth as we know it. Powell’s group, Combat Team Alpha, stumble upon one of the wormholes the aliens use to travel to Earth and witness for themselves the horrors in store if the aliens aren’t stopped. Barely escaping with their lives, they realise there are more important things to worry about than a fighting competition.

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