Tuesday 11 June 2024

12 June: Swiss Army Knife

On this date in 1897, Karl Elsener patented his penknife, which later became known as the Swiss army knife. Ten things you might not know about Swiss Army knives.

  1. Multi-function pocket knives did exist before this. Herman Melville wrote about such a thing in Moby Dick back in 1851. He wrote: "Sheffield contrivances, assuming the exterior – though a little swelled – of a common pocket knife; but containing, not only blades of various sizes, but also screw-drivers, cork-screws, tweezers, awls, pens, rulers, nail-filers and countersinkers."

  2. The earliest Swiss Army knives were actually made in Germany, from 1886. At that time, there wasn’t a Swiss company with the capacity to produce what the Swiss Army wanted. The first official Swiss Army Knife, the Modell 1890, was outsourced to Wester & Co. and produced in Solingen, Germany, over 300 miles from the Swiss border.

  3. A few years later, in 1891, along comes Karl Elsener. He was the owner of a company that made surgical scalpels, and decided he’d set up competition for Wester & Co. He almost bankrupted himself in the process as the Germans could produce the knives more cheaply. However, in 1896, Elsener made some improvements: tools attached on both sides of the handle using a special spring mechanism. While the Swiss military did not commission the knife, it was successfully marketed internationally and Elsener’s company was not only saved, but prospered.

  4. The company in question is called Victorinox and is still known today for Swiss Army knives. It’s based in the town of Ibach, in the Canton of Schwyz, Switzerland. The name is derived from the name of Elsener’s mother (Victoria) and the French words for stainless steel (acier inoxydable).

  5. The company has never been headed by anyone who is not called Karl Elsener. The first Karl Elsener founded and ran the company until 1918. Karl Elsener II took over in 1919 until he handed over to Karl III in 1950. He ran the company from 1951 to 2007, when Karl IV took over and is still there at time of writing.

  6. The term "Swiss Army knife" was coined by American soldiers in World War II because they couldn’t pronounce the original German name "Offiziersmesser", meaning "officer’s knife".

  7. The originals had blades, screwdrivers and can openers. Corkscrews and scissors are also characteristic. In modern times, even more gizmos have been added and it’s possible to get Swiss Army knives with Ballpoint pens, thermometers, cigarette lighters, torches, USB ports and even special knives for slicing Cheese.

  8. In 2006, Wenger produced a knife called "The Giant" which has 87 tools and 141 different functions. This knife is in the Guinness Book of World records as the world's most multifunctional penknife. Want one? It will set you back at least $1,000 or €798.

  9. Swiss Army knives have been used in space since the 1970s. In 1978, NASA sent a letter of confirmation to Victorinox regarding a purchase of 50 knives known as the Master Craftsman model.

  10. Production has 7 different stages. There is a quality control after each of those stages, so you know you’re getting the best possible product. Every month, 15 to 20 million pieces leave the assembly lines.


The first in a new series! It has invading aliens, gladiator-style contests, rivalry and romance.

The six richest people in Britain decide to hold a contest to settle the question of which of them is most successful. It will be a gladiator style contest with each entrant fielding a team of ten super-powered combatants. Entrepreneur Llew Powell sets out to put together his team, which includes his former lover, an employee of his company with a fascinating hobby, two refugees from another dimension (a lonely giant and a drunken sailor), two sisters bound together by a promise, a diminutive doctor, a former Tibetan monk initiate and two androids with a history. As the team train together, alliances form, friendships and more develop, while others find the past is not easy to leave behind.

Meanwhile, a ruthless race of aliens has its eyes on the Earth. Already abducting and enslaving humans, they work towards the final invasion which would destroy life on Earth as we know it. Powell’s group, Combat Team Alpha, stumble upon one of the wormholes the aliens use to travel to Earth and witness for themselves the horrors in store if the aliens aren’t stopped. Barely escaping with their lives, they realise there are more important things to worry about than a fighting competition.

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