Thursday 13 June 2024

14 June: Bourbon Biscuits

It’s Bourbon Day. What better excuse to present ten facts about Bourbon biscuits.

  1. First of all, what are they? A Bourbon is a sandwich biscuit consisting of two thin rectangular dark chocolate-flavoured biscuits with a Chocolate buttercream filling.

  2. They were first made by biscuit company Peek Freans, of Bermondsey, London, in 1910. This company was also responsible for the Garibaldi biscuit.

  3. They were called "Creola" until the 1930s when a product manager decided to re-name them Bourbon creams.

  4. Why Bourbon? Possibly after the House of Bourbon, royalty in France and Spain. Or possibly derived from 'beurre bon', as they were originally made with Butter from the top of the milk, ie best butter. Or perhaps the product manager just thought the name sounded posh.

  5. Or it’s a portmanteau of Bourneville, where the biscuits were made, and Bonn is where Dr. Hans Zehnloch, the creator of the Bourbon biscuit as we know it today, was born.

  6. It was Dr Zehnloch who came up with the trademark design on the biscuits, including the ten little holes. Zehnloch, incidentally, is German for “ten holes”.

  7. The holes aren’t just there because it was this bloke’s name, though. They actually have a practical function. They are to prevent the biscuits from cracking or breaking during the baking process, by allowing steam to escape.

  8. They are the third most popular biscuit to eat in the UK and the fifth most popular for dunking in tea after scones, Rich Tea, HobNobs and digestives.

  9. Bourbon biscuits are also popular in India.

  10. A Bourbon biscuit was the first biscuit eaten on the Moon, by Buzz Aldrin.


The first in a new series! It has invading aliens, gladiator-style contests, rivalry and romance.

The six richest people in Britain decide to hold a contest to settle the question of which of them is most successful. It will be a gladiator style contest with each entrant fielding a team of ten super-powered combatants. Entrepreneur Llew Powell sets out to put together his team, which includes his former lover, an employee of his company with a fascinating hobby, two refugees from another dimension (a lonely giant and a drunken sailor), two sisters bound together by a promise, a diminutive doctor, a former Tibetan monk initiate and two androids with a history. As the team train together, alliances form, friendships and more develop, while others find the past is not easy to leave behind.

Meanwhile, a ruthless race of aliens has its eyes on the Earth. Already abducting and enslaving humans, they work towards the final invasion which would destroy life on Earth as we know it. Powell’s group, Combat Team Alpha, stumble upon one of the wormholes the aliens use to travel to Earth and witness for themselves the horrors in store if the aliens aren’t stopped. Barely escaping with their lives, they realise there are more important things to worry about than a fighting competition.

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