Wednesday 27 September 2023

28 September: Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation was first broadcast on this date in 1987. Here are 10 things you might not know about the series:

  1. The series takes place from 2364 to 2370.

  2. Gene Roddenberry initially refused to cast Patrick Stewart as Picard, because he’s envisaged a younger captain with Hair. In fact, Stewart was advised to wear a hairpiece when he first met the production executives. They thought he was perfect for the role and although they auditioned other actors, (Edward James Olmos was offered the role but turned it down) even Roddenberry had to admit he was perfect for it, provided he didn’t wear the ridiculous wig. Before he was cast as Picard, Patrick Stewart had no idea how iconic Star Trek was and hadn’t seen any of the original series or the films. In fact, he didn’t have much confidence in it at all, being so sure it would fail that he didn’t unpack his suitcase for the first six weeks of filming.

  3. Commander Data's data storage capacity is 800 quadrillion bits, or 100 PB (petabytes) or 100 000 terabytes. This is a lot, considering that the entire Internet in 2005 only contained 1-2PB.

  4. Geordi's VISOR was improvised on the first day of shooting using chiefly a car air filter and a hair band.

  5. The bad guys for this series were originally intended to be the Ferengi, but audiences found them too comical to be taken seriously as recurring enemies as the Klingons were in the original series. Hence The Borg became the main antagonists. The Borg were originally envisaged as insectoids, but due to budget constraints, they were cyborgs instead.

  6. Sir Patrick Stewart (Jean-Luc Picard) and Jonathan Frakes (William T. Riker) are the only actors to appear in all 178 episodes of the series. Brent Spiner (Data) appears in all but one.

  7. Picard and Data were portrayed as having pets in the series, but neither actor was keen on their pet. Picard had a fish, which Stewart felt went against the concept of freedom for every species that the series promoted. Data had a cat, and Spiner simply didn’t like Cats.

  8. The ceiling of the transporter chamber on the Enterprise-D is the floor of the transporter chamber from the original Enterprise.

  9. Michael Dorn's make-up as Lieutenant Worf took approximately two hours to apply. His prosthetic forehead changed in season two because the original was stolen.

  10. Writer and co-producer Joe Menosky started a tradition of having the number 47 crop up a lot in dates, serial numbers and on screens. Menosky said that he chose that number because when he was a graduate student at Pomona College, Professor of Mathematics Donald Bentley proved, as a joke, that all numbers are equal to 47. It also happens to be Patrick Stewart’s age at the start of the show.

Character birthday

Lucy Parker, a cousin of Ivory, who married Lifter after meeting him at Ivory’s wedding.

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