Friday 9 December 2022

10 December

10 weird and wonderful things which happened on 10 December:

  1. This date in 1815 was the birth date of Augusta Ada Byron (Ada Lovelace), the only legitimate child of Lord Byron. She is known for writing a description of Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer, the analytical engine. She is today considered to be the "first programmer" since she formulated rules for the machine before Babbage even built it. She also foresaw the capability of computers to go beyond calculating or number-crunching.
  2. In 1996, a 68 year old man collapsed with a coronary in Bonn. Paramedics arrived on the scene, but couldn't get to the man because his Dog, Otto the Rottweiler, wouldn't let them near him for 12 minutes. By the time they got Otto to move, the owner was dead.
  3. The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in Stockholm, Sweden on this date in 1901. Prizes were awarded in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace. The awards were devised by Alfred Nobel, who regretted the damage he'd done through inventing dynamite and other explosives. The first Nobel Peace Prizes were awarded to Jean Henri Dunant and Frederic Passy. Dunant was the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross, while Passy was the founder of the French Peace Society, which sought peaceful arbitration between nations in conflict. On this date in 1903, Marie Curie became the first woman to win the Nobel prize which she shared with her husband Pierre, and Henri Becquerel, for their work on radioactivity. Physicist Professor Albert Micheison of Chicago University became the first US scientist to win a Nobel Prize on this date in 1907, for his work on the speed of light and optics.
  4. The Royal Academy of Arts was founded in London by George III on this date in 1768, with Joshua Reynolds as its first president.
  5. Filming of Gone With The Wind began on the David O. Selznick studio lot on this date in 1938.
  6. In 1963, Donny Osmond made his singing début on the Andy Williams Show at the tender age of six.
  7. In 1844, the Union Hall, Connecticut, hosted an event entitled “A Grand Exhibition of the Effects Produced by Inhaling Nitrous Oxide, Exhilarating or Laughing Gas”.
  8. In 1868, London's first Traffic Lights were installed in Westminster, to help MPs get to the House of Commons.
  9. Piccadilly Circus Underground station opened on this date in 1928.
  10. In 1996, the first McDonalds opened in Belarus, but police had to be called to disperse a crowd who thought it was giving away free food.


A Superhero love story.

Sent away to school to get her away from undesirable company, Agnes finds herself homesick and lonely. A brief connection with Jason Warner leads to the teenage crush to end all teenage crushes. Jason is barely aware Agnes exists, but she plans her whole future around him.

It is only when they meet again as adults that the connection becomes mutual; but before it can develop, Jason makes a discovery which rocks his entire world. He needs time alone, away from everyone, including Agnes. When Jason is finally ready to go back to his old life, Agnes has moved on and he cannot find her.

Agnes is now a single parent to the remarkable Seraphina. The Power League want to harness Seraphina's powers for evil before the Freedom League become aware of her. Agnes has no idea her new colleague and friend is a supervillain with his own agenda, and his willingness to babysit is not as innocent as she thinks. As Incendio starts teaching Seraphina to use her powers, the Freedom League intervene. Little do they know that they have found one of their own.

Where to get it:

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