Sunday 28 September 2014

28th September: Birthday of Confucius

Today is traditionally the birthday of the Chinese philosopher and teacher, born in 551 BC. So here are 10 facts about him.

  1. He was born in Zou, Lu state (near present-day Qufu, Shandong Province).
  2. His given name was Kong Qiu, but he was usually called Kong Fuzi, or "Master Kong". Jesuit missionaries to China in the 16th century Latinised this to get Confucius. His followers also called him "Laudably Declarable Lord Ni", "Extremely Sage Departed Teacher", the "Great Sage", "First Teacher" and "Model Teacher for Ten Thousand Ages".
  3. His father was a military officer who died when Confucius was three years old, so he was very poor for most of his childhood.
  4. He married at the age of 19 and had a family. He is said to have worked as a shepherd, cowherd, clerk, and a book-keeper to support them.
  5. Asked by one of his students to sum up the way to live one's life in one word, Confucius answered "reciprocity". Essentially, "do as you would be done by", or as he expanded it, Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself. It is interesting to note that by this time he had left his wife and family to become a travelling teacher, so arguably he didn't always follow his own advice!
  6. At the age of about 50, he entered politics. He taught that leaders should set an example to the people, who should in turn give their leaders due respect. He became a judge, and was made the minister for law and order in his state. During his tenure, crime rates in the state fell drastically.
  7. Disappointment in the conduct of the Duke of Lu state led Confucius to a self imposed exile for 12 years. A neighbouring state, concerned that Lu was becoming too powerful, sent the Duke of Lu a gift of horses and dancing girls, and the Duke neglected his official duties for three days. The final straw was when the Duke failed to send Confucius the portion of sacrificial meat that was traditionally his due. Confucius resigned and left Lu to travel around, expounding his political beliefs to other Chinese states, but none of them were interested.
  8. He died at the age of 72 from natural causes. His tomb was built in the shape of an axe.
  9. It was traditional in China to hold memorial services to Confucius every year, until the Communist Party banned them. However, in recent years, the practice has resumed as a celebration of Chinese history and culture, and even members of the Communist Party take part.
  10. After the death of Confucius, his family, the Kongs, kept records of his descendants which still exist today, going back 83 generations, making it the longest pedigree in the world. His descendants now number three million, who live not only in China but also in Korea and Taiwan.

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