Wednesday 12 January 2022

13 January

 10 weird and wonderful things which happened on 13 January:

  1. In 1864 Stephen Foster, the composer of minstrel songs and ballads such as The Old Folks at Home, Beautiful Dreamer, died after hitting his head on a chamber pot. He was 37.
  2. In 1805, on board the HMS Woolwich, Francis Beaufort recorded in his journal a scale of observations for measuring the force of the wind. His ideas originated from generations of observations by sailors and engineers, but it was the first time such a scale had been devised. With a few modifications, it is still in use today.
  3. On this date in 1921, the first British patent for windscreen wipers was registered by Mills Munitions of Birmingham.
  4. On this date in 1920, a New York Times editorial declared that space flight was impossible and would never fly in space. They issued an apology in 1969 after the Apollo 11 flight to the Moon.
  5. So you thought football hooligans were a modern phenomenon? At the Roman games in Constantinople on this date in 532, a riot broke out and spilled out onto the streets, resulting in 30,000 deaths.
  6. In 1927, a woman took a seat on the New York Stock Exchange breaking the all-male tradition.
  7. In 1923, Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon finally accepted a marriage proposal from Albert, Duke of York (who would become King George VI) by means of a telegram with the message: “All right, Bertie”.
  8. In 1981 Donna Griffiths started Sneezing and didn't stop for 978 days. It would be the longest sneezing fit on record.
  9. In 2002, President Bush fainted at the White House, as he choked on a Pretzel while watching American football.
  10. In 1981, Barbara Sonntag set a crochet record: 147 stitches a minute for half an hour.


The Power of Love

Willow believes in crystal healing, cosmic  ordering  and the significance of chance  encounters. She believes there's a spiritual  explanation for everything. Except she struggles to find a reason why she can turn herself into  mist and create a wave of energy which can slam a would-be mugger into a wall. Or why the love of  her life left her for a mysterious woman in sunglasses, who then disappeared without trace. 

A chance encounter with Firebolt, leader of the Freedom League superhero team, in a Glastonbury coffee shop, does turn out to be significant. He offers her a new start and the chance to use her powers for good.

Servant is a Christian who has joined the Freedom League in order to use his teleporting power to serve God. He and Willow clash from the start, yet they are drawn inexorably to one another.

When Willow leaves the team abruptly for reasons unknown, Servant knows he must put her out of his mind and find a nice Christian girl to settle down with. He is about to propose to devout and straight-laced Ruth, when Willow returns and turns his entire world upside down.

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