Sunday 30 July 2017

30th July: Emily Bronte Quotes

Today, some quotes from Emily Bronte, who was born on 30 July 1818.

  1. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
  2. A person who has not done one half his day's work by ten o'clock, runs a chance of leaving the other half undone.
  3. A good heart will help you to a bonny face, my lad and a bad one will turn the bonniest into something worse than ugly.
  4. If you ever looked at me once with what I know is in you, I would be your slave.
  5. Honest people don't hide their deeds.
  6. Treachery and violence are spears pointed at both ends; they wound those who resort to them worse than their enemies.
  7. Proud people breed sad sorrows for themselves.
  8. If I had caused the cloud, it was my duty to make an effort to dispel it.
  9. I am now quite cured of seeking pleasure in society, be it country or town. A sensible man ought to find sufficient company in himself.
  10. The tyrant grinds down his slaves and they don't turn against him, they crush those beneath them.

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