Monday 6 November 2023

7 November: Watercress

In the French Revolutionary Calendar today is Cresson (Day of Watercress). 10 things you might not know about watercress:

  1. The Latin name for watercress is Nasturtium officinale, which means “twisted nose”, because of its peppery taste.

  2. It is a member of the Brassicaceae family which also includes BroccoliCauliflowerCabbageMustard, wasabi, and Horseradish.

  3. In the wild, it grows near clear, fast flowing streams, and if not harvested can grow to a height of 50–120 cm.

  4. In the United Kingdom, watercress was first commercially cultivated in 1808 by the horticulturist William Bradbery along the River Ebbsfleet in Kent.

  5. Hampshire has been growing watercress since the mid 19th century with train loads taken up to London on what became known as The Watercress Line.

  6. Charles Dickens’ wife, Catherine, was particularly fond of serving watercress alongside toasted Cheese.

  7. In ancient Rome, it was consumed for medicinal reasons. Roman naturalist and philosopher Pliny the Elder credited this peppery plant with being an effective treatment for anxiety, coughs and intestinal worms. The Romans also believed that Watercress juice rubbed into a bald head could restore Hair growth.

  8. Watercress is 95% Water and has low contents of carbohydrates, protein and fat, but is an excellent source of vitamin K and also contains significant amounts of vitamin A, Vitamin C, riboflavin, vitamin B6, Calcium, and manganese.

  9. In medieval times, watercress was boiled in almond milk and served with cheese during Lent.

  10. The world’s first Sandwich, invented and eaten by the Earl of Sandwich, contained cold roast beef and watercress.

Character birthday

Rainbow Sputum, a member of the gang of villainous punks known as the Demolition Squad. He suffered a number of unexplained illnesses in childhood which led to him being investigated by Unicorn. It was discovered his saliva contained exotic chemicals due to a genetic variance. His mother, relieved her son wasn't dying, took him home. He had no further contact with the Freedom League.

He became a rebellious teen and embraced punk culture, dying his hair different colours. He also discovered the saliva he produced caused unusual effects as well as varying in colour. He therefore attacks by spitting at people.

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