Tuesday 25 August 2020

26 August: Christopher Isherwood Quotes

Christopher Isherwood, novelist and playwright was born on this date in 1904. 10 quotes from him:

  1. Fear, after all, is our real enemy. Fear is taking over our world. Fear is being used as a tool of manipulation in our society. Itʼs how politicians peddle policy and how Madison Avenue sells us things that we donʼt need.
  2. If it’s going to be a world with no time for sentiment, it’s not a world that I want to live in.
  3. The past is just something that's over.
  4. In this brief life, one cannot always be counting the cost.
  5. A minority is only thought of as a minority when it constitutes some kind of a threat to the majority, real or imaginary.
  6. We must remember that nothing in this world really belongs to us. At best, we are merely borrowers.
  7. Only those who are capable of silliness can be called truly intelligent.
  8. Sometimes awful things have their own beauty.
  9. By helping yourself, you are helping humankind. By helping humankind, you are helping yourself. That's the law of all spiritual progress.
  10. We live in stirring times- tea-stirring times.

Killing Me Softly

Sebastian Garrett is an assassin. It wasn’t his first choice of vocation, but nonetheless, he’s good at it, and can be relied upon to get the job done. He’s on top of his game.

Until he is contracted to kill Princess Helena of Galorvia. She is not just any princess. Sebastian doesn’t bargain on his intended victim being a super-heroine who gives as good as she gets. Only his own genetic variant power saves him from becoming the victim, instead of Helena. 

Fate has another surprise in store. Sebastian was not expecting to fall in love with her.

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