Saturday 22 August 2020

23 August: Sandra Name Day

In the Czech Republic August 23rd is the name day for people called Sandra. Sandra is a female name, which can be short for Alexandra or Cassandra. The name is usually interpreted to mean “protector of man”. Here are 10 famous Sandras.

  1. Sandra Bullock, American actress whose films include Speed, Practical Magic, Miss Congeniality, The Lake House and The Proposal.
  2. Sandra Oh, Canadian actress of South Korean descent famous for her roles in Gray’s Anatomy and Killing Eve.
  3. Sandra Corleone, Fictional character in The Godfather. She’s Sonny Corleone’s wife.
  4. Sandra Dawson, Master of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge from 1999 to 2009, the first woman to be master of a formerly all male college at Cambridge University.
  5. Sandra Dee, American model, actress and singer.
  6. Sandra Dickinson, British actress who played Trillian in the 1981 TV adaptation of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
  7. Sandra Howard, a former model whose fourth husband is Michael Howard, a former leader of the UK Conservative party. In the 1960s when her name was Sandra Paul, she appeared on the cover of American Vogue two months in a row.
  8. Sandra Bernhard, American comedian and actress who played Nancy Barlett Thomas on Roseanne.
  9. Zandra Rhodes, English fashion and textile designer.
  10. Sandra Fabara, aka Lady Pink, graffiti artist.

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