Saturday 25 July 2020

26 July: Leo star sign

The sun is currently in the zodiac sign of Leo. 10 things you might not know about this sign:

  1. Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, a Fire sign.
  2. The name Leo is Latin for Lion. The ancient Greeks associated the constellation with the Nemean Lion killed by Heracles as one of his twelve labours.
  3. The Nemean Lion wasn’t just any lion. Its fur was impervious to human weapons and its claws were so sharp it they could slice through armour. Heracles killed it by strangling it to death.
  4. The constellation is quite a prominent one, containing four first and second magnitude stars: Regulus, Beta Leonis, Gamma Leonis and Delta Leonis.
  5. The ancient Greeks weren’t the only civilization aware of the constellation. Several others were, too, and gave it different names. The Persians called it Ser or Shir; the Turks, Artan; the Syrians, Aryo; the Jews, Arye; the Indians, Simha. The shape of the constellation reminded them of a lion, too, as all those names mean lion in those languages.
  6. The birth stones for people born under this sign are topaz, cat’s eye and amber.
  7. Their lucky plants include chamomile, MarigoldSunflower and Saffron; their metals are Gold and Silver and their lucky day is Sunday. The sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun.
  8. In the body, Leo is said to rule the Heart, spine and back. Other things falling under its rule include loyalty, courage, gossip, pride, ego, royalty, leadership and authority.
  9. Leos are confident, fond of attention and enjoy playing to an audience. They’re passionate and flirtatious and also big hearted and generous. They like to share advice as well as their possessions. They make great friends, and also powerful enemies. They have leadership skills – they are organised and take charge easily and naturally, although this can be seen as bossiness. They are strong, dignified and protective of loved ones.
  10. Famous people born under this sign include Barack Obama, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lopez, Roger Federer, Pete Sampras, Daniel Ratcliffe, Carl Jung and Alfred Hitchcock.


Killing Me Softly

Sebastian Garrett is an assassin. It wasn’t his first choice of vocation, but nonetheless, he’s good at it, and can be relied upon to get the job done. He’s on top of his game.

Until he is contracted to kill Princess Helena of Galorvia. She is not just any princess. Sebastian doesn’t bargain on his intended victim being a super-heroine who gives as good as she gets. Only his own genetic variant power saves him from becoming the victim, instead of Helena. 

Fate has another surprise in store. Sebastian was not expecting to fall in love with her.

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