Wednesday 22 July 2020

23 July: The God Neptune

This date in ancient Rome was the festival of Neptunalia. Here are 10 things you might not know about Neptune, the god they were honouring on this day:

  1. Neptune is the Roman god of the sea. His Greek counterpart is Poseidon. There is also a parallel Irish god, Nechtan, said to be the master of the well from which all rivers flow.
  2. Neptune was associated with fresh Water as well, with his rulership of springs pre-dating his association with the sea.
  3. The origin of his name may have been from nuptus i.e. "covering", nuptu "he who is moist" or from nuptiae, "marriage of Heaven and Earth".
  4. Neptune is usually pictured as an older man with a Beard and holding a three-pronged speak (or trident). He has Blue eyes and streaming Green hair. Sometimes he is shown being pulled in a chariot made from a shell and pulled by Whales, sea horses or Horses.
  5. Neptune was the brother of Jupiter and Pluto. The brothers presided over the realms of Heaven, the earthly world, and the Underworld. Neptune's parents were Saturn and Ops, the earth mother. Juno, Ceres and Vesta were also his siblings. Neptune's wife was Salacia, the goddess of salt water, and/or Amphitrite, a water nymph. Neptune was notorious for having affairs so it could easily have been both. Amphitrite turned Neptune down at first so he got a Dolphin to try and persuade her. The dolphin talked her round and was made immortal as a reward, becoming the constellation Delphinus. His children include Triton, Pegasus and Atlas.
  6. He was the god of horses as well, and according to legend, he created them. One of Neptune's aspects is Neptunus Equester, god of horse-racing.
  7. The sea is unpredictable, and so is Neptune's temper. Legend portrays him as violent and vindictive with anger management issues. Hence, he is also associated with Earthquakes.
  8. Neptune is one of only four Roman gods to which bulls could be sacrificed, the others being ApolloMars and Jupiter.
  9. Medusa was originally a beautiful priestess in the temple of Minerva, but became a monster after Neptune raped her on the temple floor.
  10. The planet Neptune was named after him because the planet's blue gas clouds reminds early astronomers of the sea.


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