Wednesday 13 May 2020

14 May: May

Today, 10 Facts about the month of May.

  1. The name of this month comes from the Greek goddess Maia, one of the Pleiades or Seven Sisters. She is the goddess of spring and the mother of Hermes.
  2. The London district of Mayfair was named after a fair which used to take place there every May.
  3. Native American tribes named the full moons of each month after things they observed in nature at that time of year. The May full moon's names included When Women Weed Corn, Blossom Moon, Season When The Leaves Are Green, When The Ponies Shed Their Shaggy Hair, Moon When The Horses Get Fat, Mulberry Moon, Geese Go North, and Frogs Return.
  4. In Cornwall, people believed that if you placed a piece of tin near an anthill during the full Moon in May, it would turn to Silver; while young women would go out and ask the moon to send them dreams of their future husbands.
  5. Birthstones for people born in May are emerald, malachite, amber and carnelian.
  6. In weather lore, a cold and windy May means a good harvest.
  7. A common proverb is “Cast not a clout till May be out”. This is basically a warning not to shed winter clothes to early in the year. Some interpret it as not going out without a coat until the Hawthorn (also known as may) had blossomed but others say it's best to wait until the first of June before thinking of leaving your coat at home. It's also held to be unlucky to wash blankets in May, lest you “wash a dear one away”. Nor is it a good idea to go swimming – “he who bathes in May will soon be laid in clay.”
  8. According to superstition, May is not a good month to get married. Although the goddess Maia represented spring and fertility, she wasn't associated with fidelity. The superstition may also have come from the fact that the Romans celebrated the festival of the unhappy dead in May or the fact that the Catholic church dedicated the month to the Virgin Mary, the patron saint of chastity. Some believed that horrendous bad luck or even a death would occur within a year of a May marriage.
  9. Children born in May would be sickly, according to superstition, and kittens born in May would not be good at catching Rats and Mice.
  10. Awareness observances for the month of May include cycling, hearing and speech, lung health and clean air, correct posture, fibromyalgia, foot health, car maintenance, Huntingdon's disease, Lyme disease, asthma, arthritis, Asparagus, books and reading, Eggs, hepatitis, high blood pressure, fitness and sports, salad, salsa, senior citizens and touring theatres.


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