Saturday 9 May 2020

10 May: Monica Dickens quotes

10 quotes from English writer Monica Dickens, Charles Dickens' great-granddaughter, born on this date in 1915.

  1. Nothing that ever happens in life can take away the fact that I am me. So I have to go on being me.
  2. Life was like a jigsaw, but if you tried to fit the pieces together yourself, you generally got them wrong.
  3. A decision loses its charm unless you can act on it immediately.
  4. When people are drunk the first time you meet them, you are inclined to think of them as permanent dipsomaniacs.
  5. Riding is a complicated joy. You learn something each time. It is never quite the same, and you never know it all.
  6. No ride is ever the last one. No horse is ever the last one you will have. Somehow there will always be other horses, other places to ride them.
  7. We dominate a horse by mind over matter. We could never do it by brute strength.
  8. The limitless jet-lag purgatory of Immigration and Baggage at Heathrow.
  9. Nursing is a kind of mania; a fever in the blood; an incurable disease which, once contracted, cannot be got out of the system. If it was not like that, there would be no hospital nurses, for compared dispassionately with other professions, the hours are long, the work hard, and the pay inadequate to the amount of concentrated energy required. A nurse, however, does not view her profession dispassionately. It is too much a part of her.
  10. Writing is a cop-out. An excuse to live perpetually in fantasy land, where you can create, direct and watch the products of your own head. Very selfish.


Killing Me Softly

Sebastian Garrett is an assassin. It wasn’t his first choice of vocation, but nonetheless, he’s good at it, and can be relied upon to get the job done. He’s on top of his game.

Until he is contracted to kill Princess Helena of Galorvia. She is not just any princess. Sebastian doesn’t bargain on his intended victim being a super-heroine who gives as good as she gets. Only his own genetic variant power saves him from becoming the victim, instead of Helena. 

Fate has another surprise in store. Sebastian was not expecting to fall in love with her.

Available on Amazon:


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