Monday 28 December 2015

28th December: Stan Lee

This date in 1922 saw the birth of Stan Lee, the man responsible for Spiderman, Fantastic Four, the X-Men, The Avengers and more. 10 Stan Lee quotes.

  1. I don't really see a need to retire as long as I am having fun.
  2. There is only one who is all powerful, and his greatest weapon is love.
  3. we have a big universe here. It's filled with new ideas. All you have to do is grab them.
  4. If Shakespeare and Michelangelo were alive today, and if they decided to collaborate on a comic, Shakespeare would write the script and Michelangelo would draw it.
  5. Achilles, without his heel, you wouldn't even know his name today.
  6. With great power comes great responsibility.
  7. The power of prayer is still the greatest ever known in this endless eternal universe.-The Watcher in The Avengers #14
  8. I said, “Juvenile delinquents eat chocolate cake, so chocolate cake must cause juvenile delinquency,” but nobody listened to me.
  9. So superhero stories, to me, are like fairy tales for grown-ups.
  10. A superhero without a great villain is like a day without sunshine. 

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