Sunday 8 October 2023

9 October: International Alan Day

Today is International Alan Day, which exists to promote use of the name.

Alan is a masculine given name in the English language. In Breton, alan is a colloquial term for a fox and may originally have meant "deer", perhaps initially given to people who were "fleet like a deer". Here are 10 famous Alans:

  1. Alan Alda: American actor who starred in M*A*S*H.
  2. Alan Bean: the fourth person to walk on the Moon
  3. Alan Carr: English comedian and chat show host.
  4. Alan Davies: English comedian, a regular on QI
  5. Alan Longmuir: Founding member of the pop band Bay City Rollers
  6. Alan Alexander Milne: English author famous for Winnie the Pooh.
  7. Alan Osmond: American singer, the oldest of the performing Osmond brothers.
  8. Alan Rickman: English actor who played Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and Severus Snape in the Harry Potter series.
  9. Alan Sugar: British businessman, also known for the TV show The Apprentice in the UK.
  10. Alan Turing: English mathematician, He is widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.

Character birthday

Dr. Chaos, fired from a teaching position at a medical school for creating a Frankenstein style monster from left over body parts from anatomy classes, he went underground for some time, and later emerged as the leader of a group of super villains called the Infra League. He is an expert in medicine, surgery, computing, science in general, and weaponry.

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