Tuesday 1 August 2023

9 August: Jean Piaget Quotes

Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget, known for his work in the field of child development, was born on this date in 1896. 10 quotes from him:

  1. When you teach a child something you take away forever his chance of discovering it for himself.

  2. Play is the work of childhood.

  3. What we see changes what we know. What we know changes what we see.

  4. Intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do.

  5. We learn more when we are compelled to invent.

  6. How much more precious is a little humanity than all the rules in the world.

  7. Scientific knowledge is in perpetual evolution; it finds itself changed from one day to the next.

  8. No single logic is strong enough to support the total construction of human knowledge.

  9. Play is the answer to the question, 'How does anything new come about?'

  10. I could not think without writing.

Character birthday

Ildas McNair, linguistic professor, one of the few people outside of Galorvia who could speak the language. He was tutor to the then prince Christopher when he studied in England incognito, and so was chosen by the king to rescue and care for his children when a revolution threatened to end their lives. Although quite eccentric and set in his ways, he rose to the challenge with the help of his housekeeper, Betty Green. He was later murdered by Galorvian terrorists seeking out the princesses.

From A Jack To A King

A royal palace is burning. The King and Queen are dead. The only hopes for an ancient dynasty flee to England for their lives.

A boy runs from his mother and the people he believes want to mutilate him, and vanishes, seemingly forever.

Gary Winchcombe, the experimental "super-cop" pursues a notorious gang of bank robbers, and starts to discover that his friends and neighbours have secrets he never could have imagined.

Tod Reynard wants to turn his life around. When he meets and falls in love with the beautiful Jade, he knows she might just be the one to help him change his life for the better. He cannot possibly know just how much.

When Jade's twin sister Gloria is kidnapped, old rivalries must be put aside and new associations formed in order to save Gloria's life and restore the rightful order of things.

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