Sunday 18 June 2023

19 June: Blaise Pascal Quotes

Blaise Pascal, French scientist and religious philosopher who invented and sold the first digital calculator, was born on this date in 1623. 10 Blaise Pascal quotes.

  1. Don't try to add more years to your life. Better add more life to your years.

  2. People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive.

  3. In difficult times carry something beautiful in your heart.

  4. The supreme function of reason is to show man that some things are beyond reason.

  5. The more I see of Mankind, the more I prefer my dog.

  6. It's not those who write the laws that have the greatest impact on society. It's those who write the songs.

  7. Once your soul has been enlarged by a truth, it can never return to its original size.

  8. When intuition and logic agree, you are always right.

  9. If you do not love too much, you do not love enough.

  10. Everyone, without exception, is searching for happiness.

Character Birthday

Columbine, aka Cathy Moran, nee Potts. As a dancer taking part in a talent show, she met Henry Moran (Harlequin), who had the power to create illusions. Cathy, having the power to see through any lie or illusion, was unimpressed with his talent at first, but in time they fell in love and married. However, when a friend told her Henry had been seen with another woman and was having an affair (the friend believed this was true, so wasn’t lying) Cathy left him. They met again in England a few months later, by which time Cathy had given birth to their son, Daniel, who she learned was on the way soon after she left. They were reconciled. Henry was already working with the crime fighting group The Chain Gang and Cathy’s own talent proved useful as well.

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