Tuesday 1 February 2022

2 February

 10 weird and wonderful things which happened on 2 February:

  1. On this date in 2008, a biology teacher from Sofia, named Lidia, and two associates, attempted to dump some leftover noxious chemicals into a manhole. It is still not entirely clear what the chemicals were, but two of the bottles were labelled diethyl ether and methanol, both highly flammable substances. The former is also used as a sedative, so it's possible they were all slightly drunk on the fumes which could explain why they thought this course of action was a good idea. The mixing of these substances in the enclosed space of the sewer caused an explosion so powerful that it blew the manhole cover into the air, decapitating Lidia.
  2. Born on this date in 1882 was Irish novelist James Joyce. His books include Ulysses, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Finnegan’s Wake and Chamber Music.
  3. In 1852, the first men’s public Toilet opened in Fleet Street, London. 50,000 leaflets were distributed to Londoners, explaining what the building was for.
  4. Staying with toilets, on this date in 1993 a patent was issued to Ron Alsip of Raynham, Massachusetts, for a toilet seat with a Clock built into the space which would be between a person's legs while sitting on the toilet. Ideal for people on a tight schedule.
  5. In 1893, the first motion-picture close-up was filmed at the Edison studio in West Orange, New Jersey, by cameraman William Dickson. His subject was comedian Fred Ott, who may not have been quite ready for his close up because he was Sneezing.
  6. In 1709, Alexander Selkirk was rescued by Captain Thomas Dover, having spent five years on the uninhabited island of Mas à Tierra. When Daniel Defoe heard his story, he wrote a book based on it: Robinson Crusoe.
  7. In 1988, a gardener in Stratton St Margaret near Swindon got rather excited when he unearthed what he thought was the world's longest earthworm, at 6ft long. However, when it was sent to the Natural History Museum for identification, it was found to be a hedgehog’s intestine.
  8. In 1921, the first Airmail service opened between New York and San Francisco. Exactly a decade later in 1931 the postal service in Austria went one better by becoming the first to use a rocket to deliver mail.
  9. Today in 1887 was the world's first Groundhog day in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. While the tradition had been around for some time, this was the first time that official records were kept. Just for the record, the rodent saw his shadow and 6 more weeks of winter were forecast.
  10. In 1922 It was 2:22:22 on 2/2/22. In 2000, the date was made up entirely of even numbered digits for the first time in 1,112 years (02/02/2000). The last time this happened was on 28 August 888. Not such a long wait for the next one, though. February 2000 would have eight such dates. “It’s a bit like a mathematical bus,” commented David Jerwood, head of maths at Bradford University. “You’ve been waiting around for this to occur for more than a thousand years and then dozens of them come along at once.”

A superhero love story:

The Power of Love

Willow believes in crystal healing, cosmic  ordering  and the significance of chance  encounters. She believes there's a spiritual  explanation for everything. Except she struggles to find a reason why she can turn herself into  mist and create a wave of energy which can slam a would-be mugger into a wall. Or why the love of  her life left her for a mysterious woman in sunglasses, who then disappeared without trace. 

A chance encounter with Firebolt, leader of the Freedom League superhero team, in a Glastonbury coffee shop, does turn out to be significant. He offers her a new start and the chance to use her powers for good.

Servant is a Christian who has joined the Freedom League in order to use his teleporting power to serve God. He and Willow clash from the start, yet they are drawn inexorably to one another.

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