Monday 12 April 2021

20 April: 110

20 April is the 110th day of the year. 10 things you might not know about the number 110:

  1. 110 is the lowest number, according to an online survey in 2014, not to be anyone's favourite number. The TV show QI subsequently took pity on it and adopted it as the show's favourite number in 2017.
  2. It's the atomic number of Darmstadtium, a synthetic chemical element. Darmstadtium was first created in 1994 by the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research near the city of Darmstadt, Germany, after which it was named. The most stable known isotope, darmstadtium-281, has a half-life of approximately 12.7 seconds.
  3. A person must reach the age of 110 to be considered a supercentenarian. According to the Bible, the figures Joseph and Joshua both died at the age of 110.
  4. In athletics, there's a hurdle race of 110 meters for male athletes (women run 100m hurdles).
  5. 110 is the phone number used to call police services in Iran, Germany, EstoniaChinaIndonesia, and Japan. In Norway and Turkey, it's the number for the fire and rescue services.
  6. Both towers of the former World Trade Center in New York and the Sears Tower in Chicago all have (or had) 110 floors.
  7. The International 110 is an American sailboat designed by C. Raymond Hunt as a one-design racer and first built in 1939.
  8. 110 is also a cartridge based film format in photography which was introduced by Kodak in 1972. Only available online these days, they may have 1220, or 24 frames. Sometimes you might get an extra one.
  9. Eleventy is a term sometimes used for 110. It's derived from the Old English word endleofantig, and may be used to signify the number 110 or as a word for an unspecified large number. Tolkien uses it in Lord of the Rings – Bilbo Baggins celebrates his eleventy-first birthday at the beginning. Eleventy is also used in the Irish TV series The Savage Eye by Dave McSavage playing an opiate user advertising life insurance. He uses "eleventy" as a comic way of quoting telephone numbers.
  10. In numerology, 110 resonates with both independence and relationships. Someone with the number in their chart would be lonely by themselves but want independence within their relationships.

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