Friday 10 April 2020

11 April: Leo Name Day

April 11 is the name day for people called Leo. It's a name of Latin origin which means, not surprisingly, “Lion”. It's also the shortened form of the names Leonardo and Leopold. Here are 10 famous Leos.

  1. Leo the Lion: the mascot for Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer film studios. Seven different Lions have been used for the roaring lion logo over the years. The first six were called Slats, Jackie, Telly, Coffee, Tanner and George. The current lion was actually called Leo.
  2. Pope Leo: There have been thirteen Catholic Popes called Leo.
  3. Leo Tolstoy: Russian novelist who wrote Anna Karenina and War and Peace.
  4. Leo Sayer: seventies pop singer whose hits include One Man Band, Moonlighting and You Make Me Feel Like Dancing.
  5. Leonardo di Caprio: American actor whose films include The Revenant and Wolf of Wall Street.
  6. Leonardo the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: the eldest, most highly skilled and most serious of the group. He wears a blue mask and his signature weapons are two katanas.
  7. Leonardo da Vinci: Renaissance artist after which the former is named. He is most famous for painting The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa.
  8. Leopold Mozart: father of Wolfgang Amadeus.
  9. Leopold Bloom: fictional character, protagonist of Ulysses by James Joyce.
  10. Saint Leo the Wonderworker: bishop of Catania whose feast day is on February 20.

My Books 

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The Ultraheroes series

Several new groups of superheroes, mostly British, living and working (mostly) in British cities like London and Birmingham. People discovering they have, and learning to live with, superpowers. Each book is complete in itself although there is some overlap of characters.

The Raiders series

A tale of two dimensions, and worm hole travel between the two. People displaced in both time and space, learning to get along and work together to find a way home while getting used to the superpowers wormhole travel gave them. A trilogy.

Golden Thread

A superhero tale with a difference. Five heroes from another dimension keep returning - whenever they return, they have a job to do and are a well-meshed team in order to do it. Until one time, something goes wrong...

Tabitha Drake series

A different kind of power - the ability to talk to dead people. Tabitha has it, and murder victims seek her out to make sure justice is done. Tabitha has this and a disastrous love life to cope with.

Short story collections

Some feature characters from the above novels, others don't. They're not all about superheroes. Some are creepy, romantic, funny. 

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