Tuesday 4 February 2020

5 February: Aquarius

We're currently in the astrological sign of Aquarius. 10 facts about this sign:

  1. The Water carrier depicted as representing this sign is Ganymede, the beautiful son of the king of Troy. Zeus fell in love with him and whisked him away to heaven to become cup bearer to the gods.
  2. The Greeks tell a different story. They associate Aquarius with Deucalion, son of Prometheus who built a ship to escape a flood with his wife, Pyrrha.
  3. The word Aquarius comes from the Latin for water carrier or cup bearer.
  4. Other Astronomical systems frequently associate the constellation of Aquarius with water. The Ancient Egyptians connected it to the annual flooding of the Nile. The Babylonians associated it with the destructive floods that happened from time to time. The Greeks represented the constellation as a vase pouring water, as do the Chinese, and in Hindu astrology, it's given the name Kumbha, meaning water pitcher.
  5. Despite all that, Aquarius is an air sign, not a water sign.
  6. Astrologers speak of astrological ages, related to the procession of the Earth, which proceeds through the zodiac signs in reverse order. Each age lasts about 2,160 years. Hence the Age of Aquarius follows the Age of Pisces. Astrologers claim that each age represents a shift in the development of humankind in terms of culture and society. Our current age is somewhere on the cusp of Pisces and Aquarius. Astrologers disagree about when the Age of Aquarius will begin, or indeed, whether it might have started already. Since the sign of Aquarius is associated with things like computers, flight, electricity, feminism, freedom, rebellion and democracy you can see why they might think that. While some give it a fixed start date (4 February 1962 being one) others say it's a gradual change. The best-known cultural reference to this is of course, the song Aquarius from the musical Hair, including the line, "This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius."
  7. The ruling planet of Aquarius is Uranus.
  8. Aquarius birthstones are Amethyst, Garnet, Hematite, Sugilte and Amber.
  9. So what are people born under this sign like? Their characteristics include being fiercely independent and hating restrictions of any kind, which can be at odds with their warm and compassionate natures. They are intelligent and will tend to judge situations based on the facts rather than their feelings.
  10. Famous people born under this sign include Abraham LincolnRosa Parks, Thomas Edison, James Spader, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Bob Marley, Ed Sheeran, Ellen De Generes, Harry Styles, John Travolta and Oprah Winfrey.


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