Monday 28 November 2016

28 November: Mauritania Independence Day

Today is Mauritania Independence day. This country gained independence from France on 28 November 1960.

  1. The capital and largest city is Nouakchott, which means “place of the winds.” It is one of the world's newest capitals, having been designated in 1960.
  2. The Flag is unusual in that is is one of only two in the world which doesn't have any RedWhite or Blue in it (the other one is Jamaica). It is Green with a Yellow crescent and star, which are symbols of Islam.
  3. The currency is unusual too, as Mauritania is one of only two countries in the world not to have decimal currency (the other is Madagascar). The currency is the ougiya which is comprised of five Khoums, although the Khoum is now rarely used.
  4. It was one of the last countries to abolish slavery, having done so in 1981. However, there are thought to be around 90,000 slaves still there.
  5. Mauritania's highest point is Kediet ej Jill, 915 meters (3,002 ft), which is made of magnetite, a type of Iron ore, which makes it appear blue and means compasses won't work there.
  6. Another striking feature is the "Eye of Africa", a bullseye-like image about 30 miles in diameter, which can be seen from space. Nobody really knows how it came to be.
  7. There is a train in Mauritania which is three kilometres long. It transports iron ore from Zouerate in the interior to Nouadhibou on the coast.
  8. The Bay of Nouadhibou has a ship's cemetery, one of the largest in the world. More than 300 ships have been beached there.
  9. In the 2013 census the population was 3,537,368, living in a country twice as big as France. That's just three people per square kilometre or 68 times less densely populated than the UK.
  10. It is one of the last places left where desert crocodiles are found. One of the last surviving species lives near Matmata, due east of the Capital Nouakchott.

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