Sunday 2 July 2023

3 July: World Meerkat Day

Today is World Meerkat Day, so here are ten facts about meerkats:

  1. The word 'meerkat' derives from the Dutch name for a kind of Monkey, which in turn comes from the Old High German mericazza, possibly as a combination of meer ('lake') and kat ('Cat'). The native South African name for the meerkat is 'suricate'.

  2. Meerkats are social animals which live in groups of anything from 15 to 50 individuals. A group of meerkats is known as a mob.

  3. Mob is actually quite an appropriate name as, despite their cuteness, they can be highly aggressive. Mobs sometimes go to war against each other over territories. About 20% of meerkat deaths are actually murders by other meerkats, making them the most murderous animals on the planet. Not sure whether humans were included in the studies.

  4. Within a mob, individuals will have their own assigned jobs to do. There will be a leader, usually a female, and others will be hunters, babysitters or lookouts. The lookout will go to its vantage point and when it gets there will emit a particular call to signal that it is in position. While everything is safe, they will make a peeping noise, like a watchman's song. If they spot a bird of prey, they'll sound a shrill alarm so the rest of the group knows to take cover. They are so attuned to looking for birds of prey that young meerkats have been known to run for cover when a plane flies over.

  5. Meerkats are immune to the venom of Snakes and Scorpions.

  6. When there is a vacancy for mob leader, the eldest and biggest daughter of the previous leader usually takes over. However, if there is a sister quite close in size, they will actually engage in an eating contest to determine who takes the crown. Or more accurately, a growing contest. Meerkats have been observed to alter their diet in order to make themselves bigger. However, they seem to know there’s a fine line between getting big enough to rule the mob and getting too fat to run away from a predator.

  7. Their eyes are well adapted for a life in the desert. The distinctive dark patches around their Eyes help cut down the glare of the Sun and their pupils are horizontal. This unusual shape gives them a wide range of vision without having to move their heads. They also have a membrane (or third eyelid) which covers their eyes to protect them from flying sand and other debris when they are digging.

  8. They live underground. Often they will move in to a burrow abandoned by another animal like a ground squirrel and adapt it for their own use. Meerkat tunnels can have up to 15 entrances and chambers and tunnels up to six feet deep. They have separate chambers for sleeping in and to use as a toilet. A meerkat mob usually has several burrow systems and will relocate every few months.

  9. Meerkats are omnivores. They’ll eat insects, scorpions, grubs, eggs, small animals and birds, plants and fruit. They don’t need to drink Water as they get all the moisture they need from their food.

  10. Meerkats can live up to eight years in the wild. In captivity they live between 12 – 14 years and have been known to live up to 20 years.

Character birthday

Mahogany Stone, male model and body builder who joined Sword Keeper and his group to help rescue Yasmin Miller when she was kidnapped by the Power League and Sinister Squad. He had been in a relationship with Ebony, Obsidian’s adopted daughter, but had come to realise her true nature. After she tried to kill him, he turned against her and joined the good guys. He is Boulder’s nephew. He appears in Obsidian’s Ark.

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