Friday 8 January 2021

9 January: Amon Ra

In traditional Egyptian astrology, people born around now are under the sign of Amon Ra. 10 things you might not know about this Egyptian god:

  1. He started out as two separate gods, Amun and Ra, which merged into one deity during the eighteenth dynasty.
  2. The word Amun means “the hiddenness of divinity” while Ra means “Sun”.
  3. The chemical ammonia and the marine animal ammonite derive from the Greek form of Amun.
  4. In art, Amun was often shown as an ape or a Lion, and Ra as a falcon or beetle. Both were sometimes depicted as rams.
  5. In some literature, Ra is described as an ageing king with golden flesh, silver bones, and Hair of lapis lazuli.
  6. He was the head honcho of the Egyptian pantheon of gods, often referred to as “one one” and “no second” and the creator god. He was the ancient Egyptian god of fertility and life. Unlike other gods, whose mythology states they were the offspring of other gods and “born” at some stage or another, Amun Ra was always there.
  7. He was considered to be the father of the pharaohs. The must-have fresco for any Egyptian king was one showing Amun-Ra fathering them, because they believed this helped prove their right to the throne.
  8. Amon Ra’s worshippers became extremely powerful, almost as powerful as the pharaoh himself, which is partly why Akhenaten decided to declare Aten the one and only god, instead. Once Akhenaten died, however, the cult of Amon Ra re-asserted itself.
  9. In the hymn of Amon Ra, he is addressed as Lord of Truth, Father of the Gods, Maker of Men, Creator of all Animals, Lord of Things that are, Creator of the Staff of Life.
  10. In popular culture, Ra is the alien who enslaves the human race in the film StargateIndiana Jones uses the Staff of Ra to locate the Ark of the Covenant in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

New Year New Reading Challenge?

I can help. Here are links to books which meet potential criteria:

A title with three words

A title with six words

A book with a number in the title

A book with a colour in the title

Short story collections/A book with a green cover

A book published in the last year/during lockdown

A book you can finish in a day/A book under 200 pages

A book featuring characters from a deck of cards

A Book set during Christmas

A book with a place in the title

A Debut novel

A book with a plant or flower on the cover/A book about siblings

A book with a female villain or criminal

Includes space travel

Features Royalty

Books featuring skiing or snowboarding

A book with the Olympic games in it

A book with a bird in the title

A book featuring a secret society

A book featuring time travel/alternative dimensions
Raiders Trilogy:

Books featuring superheroes

Books featuring ghosts

From an Indie Publisher/Self published/An author you've not read before/A female author/A genre you wouldn't normally read/A book outside your comfort zone/A book by an author with your initials and your initials are JH
All of them!

More details can be found here

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