Saturday 20 April 2019

20 April: Lima Bean Respect Day

Today is Lima Bean Respect Day. Here are some facts about Lima beans.

Lima beans
  1. What is a lima bean? Depending which part of the world you are from, you may know them as butter beans or chad beans. They are a type of legume.
  2. In Spain, they are called garrofón, and are one of the main ingredients of the famous Valencian paella.
  3. The Latin name for the plant is phaseolus lunatus.
  4. They are among the earliest crops to be cultivated by humans. They were probably growing them in Peru as far back as 6000 BC. They are depicted in the art of the Moche Culture (1–800 CE).
  5. By 1301, they'd spread to North America and people were growing them there, too.
  6. Lima beans were exported from Peru to the Americas and Europe. In the early days of trade, they would arrive at their destination in boxes marked with their place of origin - "Lima, Peru". This is how they came to be known as lima beans.
  7. A word of warning. Raw lima beans contain cyanide as a defence against predators such as the spider mite. Hence they must be boiled for at least 10 minutes before they are safe to eat. Unless they came in a can - canned lima beans have been pre-cooked.
  8. A popular dish in the southern United States is succotash, which is made from lima beans and corn.
  9. They are a rich source of dietary fibre, protein, B vitamins, Potassium, molybdenum, magnesium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and Iron.
  10. Eating lima beans helps helps regulate blood sugar levels, lowers cholesterol and is good for digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome.


Closing the Circle

A stable wormhole has been established between Earth and Infinitus. Power Blaster and his friends can finally go home.

Desi Troyes is still at large on Earth - Power Blaster has vowed to bring him to justice. His wedding to Shanna is under threat as the Desperadoes launch an attempt to rescue their leader. 
Someone from Power Blaster's past plays an unexpected and significant role in capturing Troyes.

The return home brings its own challenges. Not everyone can return to the life they left behind, and for some, there is unfinished business to be dealt with before they can start anew.

Ben Cole in particular cannot resume his old life as a surgeon because technology no longer works around him. He plans a new life in Classica, away from technology. Shanna hears there could be a way to reverse his condition and sets out to find it, putting herself in great danger. She doesn't know she is about to uncover the secret of Power Blaster's mysterious past.

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Completes The Raiders Trilogy. 

Other books in the series:
Book One
Book Two


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