Tuesday 31 January 2017

31st January: Valkyries Day

Today is Valkyries Day. Here are some things you might not know about Valkyries:

  1. The word Valkyrie comes from the old Norse language and means "chooser of the slain".
  2. They were servants of the god Odin, and their job was to carry out Odin's commands during battles, thus deciding whether the battle was won or lost.
  3. In some legends, they were giants who could make it rain Blood, and row ships on rivers of blood across the sky.
  4. In early legends, Valkyries were fierce creatures who took part in battles and devoured the bodies of the dead on battlefields. Only later did they evolve into beautiful female warriors in armour who selected the bravest dead warriors to take with them to Valhalla.
  5. Once in Valhalla, the Valkyries turned from warriors to waitresses, bringing the warriors food and mead.
  6. Sometimes the Valkyries were portrayed as the wives or lovers of heroes, or as princesses.
  7. Some Valkyries caused warriors to die, while others served as protectors, guarding the lives of their loved ones.
  8. Creatures associated with the Valkyries include Horses, Ravens and Swans. They usually ride horses, but there is an ancient runestone in Scandinavia which tells of one who rode a wolf.
  9. One of the most famous Valkyries is Brunhilde, who was placed in an enchanted sleep within a wall of Fire as punishment for disobeying Odin.
  10. Amulets depicting Valkyries have been found in Viking graves. They are usually shown wearing long gowns and with their hair pulled back, carrying drinking horns. They were thought to protect the graves.

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