Sunday 25 January 2015

25th January: Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf was born on this date in 1882. Here are 10 things she said.

  1. You cannot find peace by avoiding life.
  2. These are the soul's changes. I don't believe in ageing. I believe in forever altering one's aspect to the sun. Hence my optimism.
  3. Fiction is like a spider's web, attached ever so slightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners. Often the attachment is scarcely perceptible.
  4. For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.
  5. The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages.
  6. Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works.
  7. It is far more difficult to murder a phantom than a reality.
  8. Each has his past shut in him like the leaves of a book known to him by his heart, and his friends can only read the title.
  9. A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction.
  10. Yet it is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top.

My novel, Death and Faxes is available: why not treat yourself?

Paperback - CreateSpace or Amazon RRP £8 but sometimes Amazon offer it for less!

Or get the E-book: Amazon Kindle Where you can use the "Look Inside" function and read the first few pages for free! And it's less than £2 to buy for your Kindle!

Don't want to risk it without reading a review? Visit Comfy Chair.


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