Wednesday 13 August 2014

13th August: John Logie Baird (television)

John Logie Baird, Scottish Inventor, credited with inventing television, was born on this date in 1888. So today, 10 jokes and quotes about the goggle box.

  1. Television? No good will come of this device The word is half Greek and half Latin. Charles Prestwich Scott (1846-1932)
  2. There’s so much comedy on television - does that cause comedy in the streets? Dick Cavett
  3. It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every 12 minutes you are interrupted by 12 dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper. R. Serling
  4. If it wasn't for those who invented electricity in what is aptly called the dim and distant past, we'd all be watching television by candlelight every night. Manchester Evening News
  5. One thing in favor of real life--it takes your mind off all that suffering on television. Kelly Fordyce in The Wall Street Journal
  6. Daytime TV: A plot by corporations to punish workers for staying home.
  7. Viewer discretion may be advised, but it’s never really expected.
  8. Opportunity often knocks, statistics still are showing, but the reason we don't hear it is: we've got the TV going. Stephen Schlitzer in The Lion
  9. One of the earliest programmes to be screened in colour was The Black and White Minstrel Show.
  10. Sex on Television can’t hurt you unless you fall off.

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