Sunday 13 September 2020

23 September: Libra star sign

The current zodiac sign is Libra. 10 facts about this star sign:

  1. Libra is Latin for weighing scales, the symbol of the sign. The scales are based on the Scales of Justice held by Themis, the Greek personification of divine law and her Roman equivalent, Justitia. The modern figure of Lady Justice, as seen atop London’s central criminal court, the Old Bailey, is based on this goddess.
  2. Libra is the only sign of the zodiac not represented by a living creature or person.
  3. The constellation of Libra is a fairly faint one with no first magnitude stars. At least three of the stars within the constellation are known to have planets. The planets around the star Gliese 581 are thought to be suitable planets for life.
  4. The Babylonians also saw this constellation as representing scales and justice. In their case the deity associated with the concept was male, the god Shamash. They also saw it as the claws of the scorpion, as did astronomers in ancient Greece. In ancient Egypt, they saw the constellation as a boat.
  5. As well as justice, the sign represents balance – because the days and nights are of equal length while the sun passes through Libra. The heat of summer has passed but winter has not yet arrived, so there’s a balance of temperature at this time of year, too, neither too hot nor too cold.
  6. Libra is an air sign and its ruling planet is Venus.
  7. Birthstones for those born under this sign are Opal, coral, emerald, Jasper and lapis lazuli. Its colours are Blue and Brown, its metal Copper and its flowers Rose and Violet.
  8. In the human body, Libra rules the kidneys and lower back. It also governs justice, balance, law enforcement, sensuality, overindulgence, indecisiveness and procrastination.
  9. Famous people born under this sign include John Lennon, Hugh Jackman, Eminem, Julie Andrews, Kate Winslet, Michael Douglas and Christopher Reeve.
  10. Librans are said to be charming and sociable and able to compromise. They are able to see things from another’s point of view and the bigger picture. The down side of this is that they can be indecisive, with a tendency to weigh their options carefully before taking action. They are logical, elegant, stylish and love beautiful things. They may also have a sweet tooth.

Killing Me Softly

Sebastian Garrett is an assassin. It wasn’t his first choice of vocation, but nonetheless, he’s good at it, and can be relied upon to get the job done. He’s on top of his game.

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Fate has another surprise in store. Sebastian was not expecting to fall in love with her.

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