Tuesday 28 January 2020

28 January: Rattlesnake Round Up

Rattlesnake round up - 10 things you might not know about rattlesnakes.

  1. There are about 36 species of rattlesnake. They are native to the Americas and are found in a variety of habitats from Canada to Argentina, although they are most common in the south west of the USA and northern Mexico.
  2. They belong to two genera - Crotalus and Sistrusus. Both of the genus names derive from musical instruments - the first for the Greek word for a castanet and the latter from an ancient Egyptian musical instrument called a sistrum.
  3. Just because a rattlesnake has had its head cut off doesn't mean it won't bite. The biting reflex often remains active after the snake is dead.
  4. Rattlesnakes don't lay eggs. Their eggs hatch inside them so their babies are born fully formed. There can be as many as 25 of them in one litter.
  5. Newborn rattlesnakes don't have rattles. It does have a specialised scale at the end of its tail called a pre-button. After it sheds its skin for the first time, the pre-button becomes a button, an hourglass shaped scale. In subsequent sheds, segments of keratin get added until it has a complete rattle. It is a myth, however, that you can tell a rattlesnake's age by the number of keratin segments it has.
  6. There is one species of rattlesnake that doesn't have a rattle at all. It's the Santa Catalina rattlesnake which lives on a small island in the Gulf of California. Scientists think they lost their rattles because there aren't many predators or large animals on the island so they don't need the warning system.
  7. A study in 2018 found that rattlesnakes help distribute seeds. When they eat a rodent with seeds stashed in its cheek pouches, the snake doesn't digest the seeds, but poops them out later in a new location.
  8. Benjamin Franklin held that rattlesnakes embodied diplomacy, because they give a warning before they attack, and were also a symbol of vigilance, because they have no eyelids.
  9. The largest rattlesnake is the eastern diamondback which can grow to 8 feet/2.4 metres in length, and the smallest is the ridge-nosed rattlesnake which is 30-60cm/1-2 feet long.
  10. They don't eat very often. A young rattlesnake will eat once a week, while an adult can go two weeks between meals.


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