Sunday 29 December 2019

30 December: Capricorn

The sun is currently in Capricorn, the 10th sign of the zodiac. 10 things you might not know about the zodiac sign of Capricorn.

  1. In Vedic astrology Capricorn was associated with the crocodile rather than the sea Goat we're familiar with today.
  2. The word Capricorn comes from the Latin for "horned-goat".
  3. The constellation that gives the sign its name is Capricornus, which is the smallest of the twelve zodiac constellations. It's also quite faint. The best time to observe it in Europe is at 4am during September.
  4. The constellation has been known since Babylonian times. They associated it with their goat-fish hybrid god, Ea. In Greek mythology the constellation was associated with Amalthea, the goat which suckled Zeus, and whose broken horn became the "cornucopia" or horn of plenty. Other Greek myths associate it with a sea goat called Pricus, who was the father of a race of sea-goats. The god Pan is sometimes associated with the constellation as well.
  5. In Chinese astrology, Capricornus is symbolised by the Black tortoise of the North.
  6. Capricorn is one of the four cardinal signs, which have in common the fact the occur at the turning of a season - the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and of summer in the Southern Hemisphere. People born under cardinal signs (the others are Aries, Cancer and Libra) are said to be active, self-motivated, insightful and ambitious.
  7. It's an Earth sign, along with Taurus and Virgo. People born under Earth signs are said to be practical and cautious.
  8. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, and hence the lucky day for people born under this sign is Saturday. Their lucky colours are BrownBlack and Grey. Their birthstone is garnet.
  9. Famous people born under this sign include Sir Isaac NewtonStan Lee, Michelle Obama, Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson.
  10. Capricorn is said to rule over ambition, tenacity, perseverance, depression, politics, professionalism, social climbing, organisational ability, and in the body, the bones, knees, teeth and skin.

Golden Thread

Terry Kennedy is inexplicably and inexorably drawn to the small town of Fiveswood as a place to live and work after university. He is sure he has never visited the town before, but when he arrives there, it seems oddly familiar.

Fiveswood has a rich and intriguing history. Local legends speak of giants, angels, wolves, a local Robin Hood, but most of all, a knight in golden armour. Fiveswood's history also has a dark side - mysterious deaths blamed on the plague, a ghostly black panther, and a landslide which buried the smugglers' caves.

Terry buys an apartment in The Heights, a house which has been empty for decades, since the previous owner disappeared. Now he has finally been declared dead, developers have moved in and turned it into six flats. Terry has the odd feeling he has lived in this enigmatic house before. But that is not all. Since childhood, Terry has had recurring, disturbing dreams which have been increasing in frequency so that now, he has them almost every night. To his dismay, the people from his nightmares are his new neighbours.

Except, that is, for Eleanor Millbrook. She is refreshingly unfamiliar. After Terry saves her from a mysterious attacker, they become close. However, Terry's nightmares encroach more and more on his waking life, until they lead him to a devastating discovery about who he really is.

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Goodreads Review for Golden Thread:
This is a standalone book rather than one of the "super" series. Excellent characterization, a "keeps you guessing" plot, and some fairly deep philosophical issues ! Would recommend this to anyone, but especially recommended if you would like to see a completely new "take" on the people with powers / alternate futures / general oddness type story lines. Somebody make the film !

1 comment:

  1. I'm really happy to say that your article has been very helpful to me. I am studying astrology from and appreciate the information that helps me delve into this topic
