Tuesday 1 January 2019

January 1: JD Salinger Quotes

JD Salinger was born on New Year's Day. Here are some quotes from him to start the year.

  1. I'm sick of not having the courage to be an absolute nobody.
  2. One day a long time from now you'll cease to care anymore whom you please or what anybody has to say about you. That's when you'll finally produce the work you're capable of.
  3. Make sure you marry someone who laughs at the same things you do.
  4. The true poet has no choice of material. The material plainly chooses him, not he it.
  5. The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.
  6. Who in the Bible besides Jesus knew--knew--that we're carrying the Kingdom of Heaven around with us, inside, where we're all too goddam stupid and sentimental and unimaginative to look?
  7. Poets are always taking the weather so personally. They're always sticking their emotions in things that have no emotions.
  8. Give me an honest con man any day.
  9. How long should a man's legs be? Long enough to touch the ground.
  10. Happiness is a solid and joy is a liquid.

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